
Dixa Sign In Flow

Product Designer
6 weeks

Design Review

I started with a design review of the current sing in process. I quickly identified areas where the design was off system, such as non-standard colours and font size, and worked with the engineers to rectify those. I also advised on ways to improve usability including: adding a placeholder to demonstrate proper format, and preventing auto corrections and capitalisation to make the process of entering an email smoother.

User Research

While we working internally on improving the design, I created a customer satisfaction form to capture our customer's current opinion of the sign in process. The goal was to understand any user frustrations, and what other alternative methods they may be interested in using to sign in. Users who signed in during a 1 week time frame were prompted to give feedback, of which about 8% did so. The customer success team also approached our bigger clients to get their direct feedback.

Wireframes & Prototypes

Our customer insight taught us that while most users were at least somewhat satisfied with the current process, some users were very dissatisfied and were seeking alternative methods. The most popular methods were Google, Email/Password, and Microsoft. We also decided to proceed with JumpCloud authentication due to an internal security initiative. I proceeded to create wireframes and prototypes of the potential sign in processes so that we could begin to plan our sprint work.

User Interface Designs

Once the work had been broken down into tickets for individual front-end and back-end work I created design concepts in Figma for each individual screen and variation. Along with working closely with the front-end engineers, I leveraged Figma powerful developer-focused features such as variables, components, and developer mode, to ensure that the designs and codebase were in sync and adhered to design guidelines.


After the new authentication methods were made available to customers we re-activated our customer satisfaction survey to measure the impact these changes had. The average satisfaction score went up from 3.8 to 4.5, with several users attributing their high score to the speediness of their new sign in method. Our internal testing also showed that the "average time to Dashboard" reduced from 10 seconds to 4 seconds, when comparing the new authentication methods to the original "magic email link" method.